Corporate Governance

High performance with high integrity is key to sustainable success. We believe that success in doing business goes hand-in-hand with adherence to competition law rules and acting with integrity.

Acting with integrity and competing fairly allows us to provide our customers with the best products at most favourable conditions. Fair competition also brings us to the forefront of innovation. We seek to ensure that our management and employees are well aware of the business practices to avoid and of the company’s commitment to free and fair competition.

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(Holcim Organisation Code: 117634)

Feephone: 08000224118


Our policies

Code of Business Conduct for Suppliers

Our goal is to partner with Suppliers to deliver value-for-cost procurement for the Group and our customers, and to demonstrate responsible supply chain management.

This Notice sets out our commitment to complying with data protection laws, keeping personal data secure and only using it for legitimate purposes in a transparent manner.

Our Code of Business Conduct

Our Code offers guidance and provides examples to employees when they are confronted with challenging situations in their daily work.

Health and Safety Policy

We conduct our business in a manner that leads to creating a healthy and safe environment for all stakeholders built on a true safety culture.

Modern Slavery Transparency Statement

We are committed to operating our business fairly and ethically and we reiterate our commitment to the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and our supply chain.

Holcim UK Group Tax Strategy

The Holcim UK group manages its tax affairs proactively whilst seeking to ensure that all business operations are conducted in accordance with relevant tax laws.

Procurement Policy

We are committed to conducting business responsibly and creating value for all stakeholders. We take that commitment seriously at each stage of our procurement process and we expect our suppliers to do the same.

Collaborative Business Relationship Policy

The policy is implemented through the Holcim Collaborative Business Relationship Management System and each collaborative relationship with its own Joint Relationship Management Plan (JRMP).

We are committed to creating a workplace that offers a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. Our Gender Pay Gap report details the latest statistics and our continued focus on improving diversity at all levels of Holcim.

Ethical Trading Policy

We are aware of our social responsibilities in trading with organisations around the world. In this light we support the ETI Base Code.

Biodiversity Policy

Our large and varied landholding across the country enables us to make a positive contribution to UK biodiversity through ongoing site management and wildlife focused restoration schemes.

Quality Policy

We are committed to providing quality products and services. As well as BES 6001 certification, our standard business practice is a commitment to maintain certifications for BS EN ISO 9001 and applicable legal, industry and corporate requirements.

Sustainability Policy

With our products found in houses, buildings, roads, railways, ports, power stations and much more we take our responsibility seriously, to make a positive contribution to the built environment now and for future generations.

Environment Policy

We recognise the importance of our commitment to mitigate and manage our impact by ensuring our environmental performance continually improves by implementing an effective, certified Environmental Management System.

Transport Plan

Holcim are committed to reducing our transport impacts by utilising rail and ship transport wherever possible for aggregate deliveries. 

Energy and Greenhouse Gas Policy

Holcim recognises the importance of our commitment to mitigate and manage our impact on climate change. To this end, we aim to ensure that our energy efficiency and decarbonisation performance continually improves by implementing an effective, certified Energy Management System (EnMS) appropriate to our activities.

Corporate Citizenship Policy

We are committed to being a responsible partner, effectively contributing to improving the quality of life of the members of our workforce, their families and the communities around our operations.

Disability Confident Employer

Holcim is proud to have successfully completed the Disability Confident self-assessment.

Retirement Benefits Scheme 2021

The Occupational Pension Scheme (Scheme Administration) Regulations 1996 require the Trustee to prepare an annual statement regarding governance, which should be included in the Annual Report. This statement issued by the Scheme covers the period from 16 May 2020 to 15 May 2021 and is signed on behalf of the Trustee by the Chair.

Information Security Policy 2023

We are committed to ensuring that all information owned by or shared with Holcim is appropriately managed and protected. Information Security is an important part of the safeguards in place to protect data and systems, which could have a detrimental impact on operating our business and delivering quality materials to our customers.