
Our certificates provide you, the customer with the correct certification references and certification numbers to display that projects completed with Holcim materials are compliant with industry legislation.

PAS 2080 Aggregate Industries

This certificate certifies that Aggregate Industries UK complies with the requirements of PAS 2080:2023 for the process of carbon management in infrastructure in the capacity of product/material suppliers for the documented registered scope.

BES 6001 Aggregate Industries

These certificates certify that Aggregate Industries UK comply with the requirements of BES 6001: Issue 3 - Framework Standard for the Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products for the documented registered scope.

ISO 9001 Aggregate Industries

This certificate certifies that Aggregate Industries UK holds the correct certification number for and operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for the documented registered scope.

ISO 14001 Aggregate Industries

This certificate certifies that Aggregate Industries UK holds the correct certification number for and operates a Environmental Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 for the documented registered scope.

ISO 45001 Aggregate Industries

This certificate certifies that Aggregate Industries UK holds the correct certification number for and operates an Occupational Health and Safety Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 for the documented registered scope.

ISO 44001 Aggregate Industries

This certificate certifies that Aggregate Industries UK holds the correct certification number for and operates a collaborative business relationship framework which complies with the requirements of ISO 44001:2017 for the documented registered scope.

ISO 50001 Aggregate Industries

This certificate certifies that Aggregate Industries UK holds the correct certification number for and operates an Energy Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 50001:2015 for the documented registered scope.

Certificate of BSI Membership

This certificate is to certify that Aggregate Industries is a BSI Subscribing Member.

Achilles Building Confidence Level 5

This Certificate certifies that Aggregate Industries UK holds the correct Certification and has successfully completed an online pre-qualification questionnaire and have been subject  to rigorous validation and a two day audit. The accreditation is held in high regard by all major civil engineering contractors.

UKAS Schedule of Accreditation

This schedule certifies that Aggregate Industries UK holds the correct certification number for and operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 17025:2017 for the documented registered scope.