Glensanda Granite Quarry
Occupying a remote peninsula north of Oban, Glensanda is an immense coastal super-quarry. The facility includes a processing plant, a small aircraft landing strip, a coastal deep-water berth on Loch Linnhe, which can serve ships up to 120,000 tonnes, and a small harbour that receives a private ferry which crosses the loch from Port Appin bringing workers to the quarry. Due to the volume of material exported from the site, it is heralded as one of the largest ports in the UK
Key facts about our plant:
- There are more than 700 million tonnes of reserves with planning permission to produce 15 million tonnes of high-quality granite products annually
- We are a designated UK Port, only accessible by boat, the site has its own Harbour Master and customs clearance
- All products are exported by sea. Our largest ships carry the equivalent of 3,000 articulated road vehicles and therefore offer a sustainable option to point of delivery
- We are a haven for nature and are proud to hold a Biodiversity Benchmark Award.
- We have a Monument of National Significance on site
Fill out our feedback form and we will review the matter.
Sustainability Strategy
In April 2022 we launched our Sustainability Strategy, which sets out our commitment “TO BE A UK LEADER OF INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE BUILDING SOLUTIONS”. To achieve this the strategy is structured around five pillars, of which four are explained in greater detail below. More detail on the strategy, including the fifth pillar “Sustainable Products” can be found within the strategy document here
Future Developments
We are about to engage in a further phase of planting which will see the creation of 60 hectares of native woodland. It is likely that we will look to create further phases as time goes on. Ecology and Biodiversity is an integral part of our project and we will continue to employ specialist consultants to monitor and help us enhance this precious natural resource.
2024 is likely to see works begin on our finger lagoon project. This project is a substantial infrastructure project which will allow us to ensure that silt from our operations is managed, minimising the impact on the environment.
We are working with the local community and Highland Council to look at how we contribute to the local community. We are looking at the possibility of inviting pitches for funding from the communities which surround Glensanda and Rhugh Garbh which would be assessed by Holcim and awards made for successful bids.
Key contacts for community liaison are:
Linda Flannigan- Aggregates Administrator
Calum Carnie- Quarries Manager
07815 966 143