Asphalt For Highways & Roads

Our infrastructure network of roads and motorways have transformed the UK's transportation. Holcim has proudly helped build these pavement systems, bringing together communities and improving our journeys across the country.

Working closely together with contractors, we can help you design and install base, binder and surface course material that will last for many years to come. From major road improvement schemes, to pothole repair and maintenance work. We have the expertise and products to deliver a market leading service.

Our focus on innovation and sustainability means we are constantly improving, finding new and improved ways to offer you better solutions that last longer and reduce the impact on the environment. Our SuperLow-Carbon asphalt is a great choice for projects needing a lower carbon footprint, while still producing durable, and reliable results.

We have a dedicated Infrastructure support page that has an interactive image highlighting the range of materials that can be used in all layers of road construction.

16 Results

SuperLow-Carbon, is the first commercially available asphalt that uses a biogenic material within the bitumen. This effectively locks carbon within the asphalt rather than releasing it back into the atmosphere. Providing a sustainable asphalt solution.

Foamix asphalt is a hybrid between Asphalt and Hydraulically Bound Material (HBM). Manufactured as a cold mix, it contains a high recycled asphalt content resulting in a low manufacturing carbon footprint.

SuperRed is a range of products that can be used in multiple applications but is more common where colour differentiation is deemed important such as private drives, cycle-ways, pedestrian areas, residential roads etc.

Designed to fulfil the requirements and deliver the performance of a modern thin surfacing used in high and low speed heavily trafficked roads.

A high performance 14mm polymer modified asphalt thin surface course designed for high speed, high traffic volume roads.

An enriched asphalt surface course mixture that is ideal for use in the reinstatement of footways, footpaths and cycle tracks.

A cold laid range of 'cut-back' asphalt materials for reinstatements work.

A winning range of polymer modified surface course materials for urban and rural areas that combines the properties of high fatigue resistance with excellent deformation resistance.

A high performance 10mm polymer modified asphalt designed and engineered to provide an enhanced surface course for higher stressed areas.

A specifically engineered asphaltic concrete 14mm dense binder course mixture, designed to fill the gap within the range of binder course materials.

S.M.A.Tex is a HAPAS approved thin surface course material available in 14mm and 10mm nominal size aggregates and has been specifically designed for use in heavily trafficked, high speed urban highways.

The S.M.A.Tex asphalt surface course is based on the application and experience of European based stone mastic asphalt technology, particularly where high levels of retained textures is not important.

A stress absorbing membrane interlayer – SAMI, used to overlay jointed concrete carriageways – or on CBGM flexible composite pavements before installing binder and surface course.

A fast, single lift, durable and environmentally sustainable solution. Made to replace traditional two-course construction on urban, commercial, residential footway and cycleway projects.

A faster, safer, more durable and environmentally sustainable solution to urban, commercial and residential road construction projects.