Diamondcrete® Concrete

Diamondcrete provides you with a high performance ready-mixed concrete, securing fast track solutions to many of the more challenging aspects of construction.

BIM enabled    CE marking    BES 6001

Features and benefits

Very low permeability providing enhanced resistance to chloride ion penetration and aggressive substances such as sulphates or acids

Diamondcrete can be utilised in all forms of construction in residential, transport infrastructure, office and administrative buildings as well as materials recycling, petrochemical, military engineering, hotels, schools and hospitals

High early strength, 28 day characteristic in 24 hours

High mix cohesion enables pumping of low cement content concretes

High volume stability reduced shrinkage

Very rapid access, full set in 2 hours and up to 35N/mm 2  after 8 hours

High mix cohesion enables pumping of low cement content concretes

 Earlier access for power float operations

Low water cement ratio leading to rapid drying allowing application of vapour permeable membranes (resin/vinyl) in a fraction of the time

Diamondcrete can be tailored to the particular challenges of your contract and has yet to find a limit to the application of this technology.

  • Concrete
  • Education and healthcare
  • High-rise
  • Industrial and commercial
  • Non-residential
  • Residential
  • Buildings
  • Foundations
Product category
  • Performance concretes
  • Ready mix concrete

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Product data

Diamondcrete can be tailored to the particular challenges of your contract:

Rapid Access 

Diamondcrete RA

Durable Paving

Diamondcrete DP

Chemical Resistance

Diamondcrete AE

Rapid Drying

Diamondcrete RD

Heat Resistance

Diamondcrete WR