High Performance Concrete

Our specialist performance concretes range from concrete designed for constant water exposure or attractive coloured concrete, which provides endless possibilities for house or building design, to ultra-strong concrete which will withstand aggressive and abrasive chemical exposure. We have a solution for your project no matter how big or small.
12 Results

DYNAMax Concrete: High-performance concrete for making the most dynamic building projects possible.

Superior self-compacting concrete designed to achieve excellence in surface finish. Agilia® is a self-compacting concrete that will flow freely around congested reinforcement without the need for vibration or other energy input.

WeatherMix has been specially developed to support and extend the construction season into the winter months. WeatherMix is specifically designed to tolerate colder conditions than normal concrete.

Diamondcrete provides you with a high performance ready-mixed concrete, securing fast track solutions to many of the more challenging aspects of construction.

Highpave is a range of fibre reinforced pavement grade ready-mixed concretes that reduce the errors associated with the use of conventional reinforcing methods.

Watertight is a versatile range of specialised ready-mixed concretes designed to protect a structure from water ingress or to retain water within a structure.  Watertight offers contractors and specifiers the competitive edge in both cost and time savings.

Strike concrete is a unique system developed to meet the ever increasing needs of fast track construction.

Hydracrete is a modified ready-mixed concrete designed for placement into still or moving water with minimal washout.

Artevia exposed enhances the architectural and visual approach of concrete and is the ideal solution when it comes to design, durability and cost.

Artevia® Colour enhances the architectural and visual approach of concrete and is the ideal solution when it comes to design, durability and cost.

A ready-mixed concrete specially designed to meet the tough and aggressive requirements of agricultural applications, whilst being economical and easy to place.

Hydromedia is an ideal solution for surface and stormwater management. A fast draining concrete pavement solution that rapidly directs stormwater off streets, parking surfaces, driveways and walkways. Minimises costs and long-term maintenance for local authorities and developers of  stormwater management.