Rip Rap rock armour used to reinforce river bend in Cumbria

Rip Rap in Cumbria
Rip Rap Methop

The Project

Aggregate Industries Rip Rap rock armour, was selected to rebuild and re-enforce a bend in the river at Methop near Grange-over-Sand in Cumbria.


The Brief

In 2018 the Environment Agency asked Aggregate Industries for a solution to stabilise a failing river embankment. The location of the embankment was a mile off a public highway, down a single track farm access road. Plus, there were no quarries in close proximity presenting a real logistical challenge.


The Solution

Aggregate Industries proposed the use of 300-500mm Rip Rap rock armour due to its excellent durability and environmental benefits. The Environment Agency were happy with this solution and installed a mesh to the reinstated bend to deter wildlife from burrowing in and weakening it in the future. Aggregate Industries were then tasked with depositing the Rip Rap over the mesh.

Despite a competitor being located closer to the site, the Environment Agency chose Aggregate Industries due to their excellent service and product availability.

All transportation needed to be carefully coordinated. Aggregate Industries had to ensure that no two steel body tipper vehicles were on site at the same time delivering the Rip Rap material. Through clear communication, and implacable planning, all vehicles were seamlessly manoeuvred in and out of the restricted access routes.

By the end of 2018 Aggregate Industries had delivered over 1,000 tonnes of material to the site. With occasional monitoring and maintenance, Rip Rap will last for generations. The Environment Agency were happy with all elements of the job enhancing an already excellent relationship.

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Project Details

  • Location

    Methop near Grange-over-Sand in Cumbria

  • Sector

    Flood & Sea Defence

  • Client

    Environment Agency

  • Product Used
  • Other Information
    • Stabilise a failing river embankment
    • Over 1,000 tonnes delivered
Rip Rap crushed rock

Available in 300-500mm and 500-700mm, also known to some as armour stone and rock armour.