Basalton quattroblock
Modern innovation against coastal erosion
The Basalton Quattroblock is designed for moderate waves. This innovative block is a combination of four basalton concrete columns placed next to each other. Vertically adjacent columns give revetments greater stability than other building methods and help protect coastal erosion.
Basalton is the concrete version of natural stone basalt and is used for the protection of dikes and embankments. The modern Basalton revetment was developed based on the basalt columns at the famous “Giant’s Causeway” in Northern Ireland, which have been
protecting the coastline against waves and currents for millions of years. The Basalton concept consists of individual concrete columns that are joined together in layers to form a strong revetment. Basalton is a proven product for coastal and inland revetments for over more than 45 years in The Netherlands and beyond.

Why choose Basalton Quattroblock?
Our Basalton Quattroblock is the most stable block revetment currently available. This innovative block is a further development of the already well-known Basalton column, designed to further improve revetments and strengthen coastal embankments.
Dike developers have long understood that vertically adjacent columns give such revetments greater stability than other building methods. This inspired us to develop the modern Basalton Quattroblock with four basalton concrete columns forming one quattro block element.
Due to extensive testing of block revetments in large scale wave flumes, stability parameters and formulae are available for the design of block revetments with Basalton.
The most important design conditions are wave height and period, water levels, currents and geotechnical conditions. Furthermore, requirements like maximum allowable wave overtopping and slope angle are important for the design. Please consult our team for all your enquiries regarding design with Basalton.