
Highly detailed roof slates resemble indigenous Cotswold slates. Available in a range of sizes to be laid to a traditional diminishing course.

BES 6001 

Cotswold roofing Willows Gate, Stratton Audley application
Cotswold roofing Bourton on the Water application
Cotswold roofing Beaminster application
Cotswold roofing Sherstone development application

Features and benefits

Variety of sizes available

Cotswold range consists of main slates, under ridge and eaves slates with matching accessories including ridge, hip and ventilation units. Supplied in a complete rationalised range of diminishing lengths and random widths for an authentic appearance that can be laid to a traditional diminishing course

Easy application

The slates are easy to lay and are readily available to help reduce the time and costs associated with second-hand material. Slates are twice holed to facilitate nailing where appropriate and are nibbed for fast application

Alternative to natural stone

Readily available, Cotswold roofing is a highly acceptable reconstructed stone alternative to natural stone slates. Suitable for roofs down to a minimum pitch of 30°.

  • Bradstone Structural
  • Industrial and commercial
  • Non-residential
  • Residential
  • Buildings
Product category
  • Roofing tiles
  • Building products
Product range
Length (mm) 200 Under ridge 300 Main slates 350 Main slates 400 Main slates 450 Main slates 500 Main slates 550 Main slates 350 Under eaves
Numbers 30-33 1-5 6-9 10-13 14-18 19-23 24-28 29
Width (mm) 100, 175, 225, 350 200, 250, 275, 350, 400 225, 275, 325, 400 250, 300, 350, 450 225, 300, 325, 400, 500 225, 275, 300, 400, 450 250, 300, 350, 425, 500 400
Sets 46 60 60 36 26 28 22 84No
M2/pack 7.82 with No 29's 10.64 10.3 7.79 8.2 9.26 8.84 7.85 with 30-33's
Colour available All All All All All All All All

Each slate is numbered and the slate number (see table above) indicates its size. The main slates (1-28) forming the bulk of the roof are supplied and laid to a doublelap in six lengths, reducing from eaves to ridge. There are between four or five different widths in each length. Equal quantities from the full range of widths are supplied in each particular length. The length of rafter determines the number of courses in each slate length supplied. Ridge units – For roof pitches up to 35°, a 110° (internal angle) ridge unit is available in 600mm lengths. For roof pitches above 35°, a 90° (internal angle) ridge unit is available in 450 and 600mm lengths. Hip units – available in 450 and 600mm lengths. Ridge vent unit – available in 450mm lengths. Gas flue ridge unit – available In 450mm lengths. Slate vent – Slate size is 450mm (l) x 500mm (w) (Slate No. 18) 

External roofs, extensions and new builds where a natural appearance is required. 

Product range includes:

  • Main slate
  • Ridge units
  • Hip units
  • Ridge vent unit
  • Gas flue ridge unit
  • Slate vent
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