Old Quarried

The Old Quarried natural stone-effect slate has the characteristics of substantial square cut roofing.

BES 6001        

Old Quarried roofing Brighouse application in Weathered Buff
Old Quarried roofing Gargrave application in Weathered Buff
Old Quarried roofing Lepton application in Weathered Buff
Old Quarried roofing Grassington application in Lichen Green

Features and benefits

Complete range available

A complete and simple range of diminishing courses and random widths which give the finished roof the heavy stone appearance. Available in natural Weathered Buff and unique Lichen Green shade for heritage and conservation areas. The Old Quarried range consists of main slates, under ridge and eaves slates with matching accessories including ridge, hip and ventilation units

Easy application

Old Quarried slates provide reduced erection and timber costs compared with original natural stone material. Slates are thrice holed and are hung using metal pegs or clout nails.

  • Bradstone Structural
  • Non-residential
  • Residential
  • Buildings
Product category
  • Roofing tiles
  • Building products
Product range
Length (mm) 400 Under eaves 700 Main slates 600 Main slates 525 Main slates 330 Under ridge 600 Ridge unit
Numbers 1 2-4 5-7 8-10 11-13 n/a
Width (mm) 500 450, 525, 600 400, 475, 550 350, 425, 500 300, 375, 450 n/a
Set Width (mm) n/a 1575 1425 1275 1125 n/a
Sets/pack 90 22 26 30 70 80
M2/pack 7.83 10.56 9.65 8.73 10.04 48 lin m
Colour available All All All All All All

Each slate is numbered and the slate number (see table above) indicates its size. The main slates (2-10) forming the bulk of the roof are supplied and laid to a doublelap in three lengths, reducing from eaves to ridge. There are three different widths in each length. Equal quantities from the full range of widths are supplied in each particular length. The length of rafter determines the number of courses in each slate length supplied. Ridge/hip units – Available in 600mm lengths. Ridge vent units – Available in 450mm lengths. Gas flue ridge units - Available in 450mm lengths. Nails and pegs – Hanging over batten: 40mm long x 4.5mm or 5mm dia. Aluminium tile pegs. Nailing through batten: 40/45mm long x 3.35 dia. Clout head nails. 

External roofs, extensions and new builds where a natural appearance is required.

Product range includes:

  • Main slate
  • Ridge units
  • Hip units
  • Ridge vent unit
  • Gas flue ridge unit
  • Slate vent
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